I’m always looking for a good book to read. I will read anything as long as there is a good story line. I’m also a firm believer in, “Don’t see the movie unless you’ve read the book.” This summer, all the talk was about
The Help. Previews were on TV, book reviews were all over the internet, and it was assigned summer reading at my alma matter…good ol’
PHS. So I snagged the book from one of my runners (thanks Casey) and figured I’d get around to reading it eventually. I started reading it on a flight to St. Louis, and was so enthralled after 57 minutes that I just wanted to stay on the plane and read! I was the girl walking trough the airport with her nose in a book running into all the people in a hurry to catch their flights haha. I finished the book in three days…It only took that long because I had to stop and go to meetings! If you haven’t read it yet, stop whatever you’re doing and start reading.

The next book I got my hands on was Water for Elephants. I had been meaning to read it, just hadn’t taken the time. So on a flight to Pittsburgh, I got lost in the story of circus life (Yes, I know…need to make time to read other than in airports). The characters were captivating and I didn’t want the story to end! I joke about running away and joining the circus, but after finishing this book…I was this close to calling Ringling Bros! Another MUST READ book.
Side note: I still haven’t seen either movie. I almost don’t want to because I can’t see how they will live up to the books.
This week, I was complaining to my mom (I know…surprise, surprise) that I was bored out of my mind since I was taking a few days off from running (more on that later). So she handed me a book and said, “I got this because I thought you would like it.” As usual, she was right :)
The inside front cover says it all… With a wry sense of humor, Jennifer Close brings us through those thrilling, bewildering, what-on-earth-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life years of early adulthood. These are the years when everyone else seems to have a plan, a great job, and an appropriate boyfriend, while Isabella has a blind date with a gay man, Mary has a crush on her boss, and Lauren has a goldfish named Willard. Through boozy family holidays and disastrous ski vacations, relationships lost to politics and relationships found in pet stores, Girls in White Dresses pulls us deep inside the circle of these friends, perfectly capturing the wild frustrations and soaring joys of modern life.
The book was total chick lit & required no brain power what so ever to breeze through the pages. The story was incredibly cliché, but the characters were totally relatable. I’m pretty sure EVERY 20-something female can relate to the girls in this story.
The book follows a group of friends for 10 years after college graduation, totally capturing the stereotypical “Gen Y” post college life. Some go to grad school, some get jobs, & all spend a lot of time floating from bar to bar. The story is set up so that the reader sees the daily lives of the characters…the routine, sometimes mundane, daily activities and thoughts that are slowly leading up to the next great adventure in life.
We follow the characters through all of their “firsts” – first jobs, first apartments, first real boyfriends, and first real breakups. This story takes us through the mistakes, decisions, and not-so-fairytale romances that so many of us deal with in our 20’s. The characters all have “problems,” but none are insurmountable & all can be fixed by girl’s night out (aka improvised group therapy with cocktails). So if you’ve ever:
- Been on a blind date
- Had a roommate
- Kissed a guy at a bar
- Contemplated getting a cat
- Been hungover at a bridal shower
- Lost touch with a friend
- Had a cocktail at lunch
- Cried at a wedding
- Etc. Etc. Etc.
This story is for you. You’ll roll your eyes & laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of the predicaments these girls get themselves into while at the same time thinking, “that would totally happen to me.” And of course, as with all chick lit novels, everyone has a happy ending. As long as you have a best friend, a little patience, and a lot of wine…awkward first dates will turn into great third dates; a low paying, entry level job will turn into a career; a tiny apartment will turn into a beautiful house in the suburbs and you’ll eventually get to upgrade from a bridesmaid dress to a wedding dress.
If anyone else is counting, I’m one book away from my BOOK IT reading goal (haha remember those). If you have any recommendations, send them my way. I need something to read while I’m waiting in the next Janet Evanovich book to be released :)