August 29, 2013

Pictures from Home

The last three weeks in Louisville were pretty awesome. I was going back through the pictures on my phone and decided that you all should look at them too!

August 14th was my sister's 23rd birthday. My mom hosted a bithday dinner and made chocolate surprise cupcakes (the surprise is a peanutbutter cup in the middle!).

Yes, I am wearing running clothes. No, I had no idea what Justin is doing.

After eating way too much food we went on a family walk to see the set up of The Moving Wall. I decided I would try to skip the mile home (I made it 100 ft). I guess Justin decided to pretend to be an airplane...and Brittney & Shane are behind up acting like they don't know us...

Later on in the week, Dad and I went back to The Moving Wall to see all of the exhibits (since they were still in the set up stage the first time we went).

The wall listed the name of every person killed during the war.

This is a replica of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - complete with a 24 hour guard.
Dad and I also visited Sam's Club while I was home. When I grow up, I am totally becoming a member. I love free sample day.

Fruits & Veggies anyone? We got enough to feed 10,000 people.
While in Knoxville, we went to the Sunspot for a bottle of wine and dinner. The wine was a perfect choice. You need to try it. I had the Rattlesnake pasta which was also fabulous. I ate it too fast to take a picture though.

We went to Orange Leaf about a bazillion times while I was home.I had different flavor combinations every time, but always added a sour gummy worm. You can't have FroYo without a sour gummy worm. I know you don't really want to see a picture of my empty cup, but one of the Orange Leaf's I visited had these awesome dividers.

One last thing - and I don't have a picture for it - Tuesday's post was my 

Thanks for reading everyone - I hope you're as excited as I am for the next 100 posts :)

1 comment:

  1. Orange Leaf is our favorite froyo spot too... but I've never tried the section thing yet.

    Glad you had a great time!


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