February 13, 2015

The Bachelor: Observations On Episode 2

It’s Friday the 13th and I have a bad case of writer’s block. #Cursed. Since I can’t think of a brilliant topic to write about, I present to you…


Wednesday was the first night in a long time that I got to spend some quality time with The Professor. He’s spent the last few weeks flying around the country or spending time with his other fiancé, Miss Dissertation. 

Since it was my turn to choose an activity, we spent our quality time drinking wine and catching up on The Bachelor (duh). We finally watched the second episode.  

By now, this is incredibly old news, but let’s reflect back on our observations on episode 2:

The Professor wants to know when it became cool to rock only a half zipped hoodie:

I want to know why Jillian doesn’t own a TV appropriate bikini:

The Professor wants to know why anyone would think a tractor race would be entertaining..."They only have 3 speeds!!":

I want to know WHY THIS GIRL GOT A ROSE:

The Professor wants to know why Mackenzie thought it would be a good idea to talk about big noses and aliens on a first date:

I want to know why none of these girls protested walking down a busy street in a bikini:

We both want to know if anyone DIDN’T see this breakup coming after how awkward they were on the red carpet during the live premiere:

Now that we’ve got the fly outs and unpacking (mostly) out of the way, we might be able to get caught up on the rest of the season!

In other news, we’re celebrating our Valentine’s Day tonight because we are headed to Justin’s Grandma’s birthday party tomorrow. The Professor planned the entire evening. I, for one, am hoping it involves watching a few more episodes of The Bachelor!

Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?
What are your weekend plans?
Who else watches The Bachelor? 

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