January 4, 2012


For my loyal readers out there…all 2 of you (hi mom & dad!!!)…I’m really trying to make an effort to blog more frequently. I had great intentions when I started this blog as a New Year’s Resolution last January…but we all know how that goes...I barely got one post written a month there for a while (ok, most of the year).

Seriously though, thanks to everybody who is Keeping Up With Kimberly. I love to write, and my blog is a great place for me to express myself. When I first started the blog, I worried that I wouldn’t have anything interesting to post or that people would think I was wasting my time writing about silly topics. I tried to come up with a list of topics that I had opinions on and thought people would be interested in. There were even a few times when I got half way through writing a blog post and deleted it because I thought it was silly.

Round about November, I realized that I wasn’t writing for my readers (entirely). I was writing for myself. It doesn’t matter if people think I’m writing about silly things…they don’t have to read it. It doesn’t matter if my topics seem trivial to someone else as long as they matter to me. It’s ok if people don’t laugh at my jokes, don’t like my recipes, or think I’m crazy for running, eating as much junk food, or watching as much reality TV as much as I do. I am who I am. I like what I like. I write about what I want to write about.

After that ‘revelation,’ it became so much easier to write. In fact, sometimes I have to tell myself to trim the fat…it’s not a novel, it’s a blog post! I’ve really enjoyed writing my blog posts, especially these past two months. I hope that you enjoyed reading them and that I provided you with lots of giggles, some valuable information, and a few inspirational thoughts over the past year.

So to all of my readers – Thank You & Happy Blog-iversay. Go eat a cupcake to celebrate!

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