September 19, 2014

NOLA Part Dos

You can check out the recap of the first part of our trip here.

After a full day of walking in uncomfortable shoes, Jess and I woke up on Monday morning and decided to take the bus to get to our next few NOLA activities. It was threatening rain, but that didn’t stop us from heading to the ZOO! We bought ponchos (which I really wish I had a picture of because we looked ridiculous) and spend a few hours checking out the animals. After the zoo, we decided to take the famous St. Charles Streetcar back to the city. It was pretty neat, but we were freaking out because we had a tour to get to and we probably could have walked back to the city faster!

Street Car New Orleans
Thanks, Google Images for the pic!

We made it back just in time to get to the start of our next tour…at the Old New Orleans Rum Distillery!  You know those Hand Grenades that I keep talking about? And the famous Hurricanes (which I did not like btw)? There are lots of recipes floating around the internet but the REAL drinks both have very secret recipes. We did find out though, that both recipes are made with Old New Orleans Rum.

Old New Orleans Rum

After the rum tour, we went to dinner at Crescent City Brewhouse. Their beer was fantastic, but we were not in love with our food. Never fear though, dessert was FANTASTIC! We FINALLY go to go to Café Du Monde and try out those famous beniengts. Basically, benignets are labs of fried,doughy deliciousness covered in powdered sugar. Our only regret is not ordering a tall glass of milk…there’s always next time! 

New Orleans Dessert

New Orleans Dessert

New Orleans Dessert
Jess has a future career as a hand model

We crashed early on Monday because we (a) were exhausted and (b) had to get up early to be ready for our SWAMP TOUR!

I was planning on telling you all about it in this post, but my lunch hour is over and I suppose I should get back to work…

Before I go....Who else loves fried dough covered in sugar as much as I do?


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